
Bolly Lovey Dress

Regular price
RM 30.38
Regular price
RM 49.00
Sale price
RM 30.38



Bust 108-124cm High Waist 86-104cm Hips 128cm Length 94cm 

Sleeve Length 26cm Sleeve Width 34-50cm

Material: Cotton

Details: Elastic Waist, Stretchable Material

Model Size (Bust 108cm, High Waist 92cm, Hips 108cm) 

小助理 Size 偏宽松  (Bust 98cm High Waist 84cm Hips 106cm)

大码款 弹力很大 孕早中期的妈妈也合适哦


如何选购自己的尺码?How to choose your size

1. 胸围一定要拿大2-4cm以上 不然会很贴身

Bust should take 2-4cm bigger than your actual measurement 

2. 高腰围 请测量胸下最细的地方 而不是肚脐的位置 高腰围拿刚刚好尺寸范围内 才不会太宽或太紧

Measure the high waist the slimmest part above belly button. High waist should take just fit your actual measurement

3. 臀围一定要拿大4-6cm以上 才会有阔腿A字版型 太贴身会显胯显三角区 梨形臀围偏大的必须跟着臀围拿

Hips should take 4-6cm bigger than your actual measurement